
Naturally, you can take care of your skin at home, you don’t have to make an appointment with a beautician. I make use of various accessories that boost the effectiveness of my daily skincare routine. Which beauty gadgets do I use in particular? Keep reading.


It seems to be just a regular item, yet it appears to be incredibly useful during morning and evening face beauty rituals. I always put it on before applying face scrub, face mask or creams, when I massage my face and even when I brush my teeth. Thanks to a hair band my face skin care is far more simpler, pleasant and convenient. I use a wide hair band made of fabric but you can go for a decorative hair band that you put on your hair to look more glamorous.

Face roller

It’s just a marvelous accessory offering a multitude of applications. For example, it aids you in spreading the skincare cosmetics evenly, when chilled in a fridge and used on skin it gets you this heavenly pleasant fresh sensation and energy, it gets the blood circulation going quicker, reduces fine lines, makes skin more supple and simply make us feel more relaxed.

Sonic brush

I’m not talking now about a sonic toothbrush. The one I use is designed to treat face. Actually it creates similar effects to the above-mentioned face roller but it differs much in terms of the design. It emits vibrations and has bristle that significantly facilitate cleansing, exfoliation and taking care of face skin in general. Since the moment I’ve been using it, I can tell you that my face skin feels far smother and looks neat.

Cream applicator spatula

This is yet another inconspicuous gadget that makes my daily skincare routine significantly easier. Spreading face care cosmetics using applicator spatula is surprisingly simpler and faster that doing the same thing with your bare hands. I’d recommend you using applicator spatula mainly to spread face masks with acids or clays. Neither need I get my hands dirty nor do I expose my hand skin to exfoliation (in case of applying face masks with acids).

Fabric towel

Instead of one-use paper towels I prefer using fabric towels. I keep using them to dry my face up, which is obvious. Also, I use a fabric towel to remove makeup and clean my skin. Together with a beauty oil and warm water, they take all the impurities off my face.

What accessories do you use to take care of your skin? Can you add an item to the above list? I’m waiting for your comments.