Today we aren’t going to talk about how a skincare product work. Instead, we’re going to analyze what makes it work the way it does.

Apart from these well-known substances such as hyaluronic acid, retinol or collagen, there is also a group of essential nutrients called vitamins that are often implemented into various cosmetic formulas. Undoubtedly, our bodies need vitamins so we have to supply them with these essential nutrients by consuming the right food products and applying the tight skincare cosmetics. In a moment you will learn what vitamins are the most important constituents of beauty products.

What are vitamins and how they work?

In short, vitamins are organic compounds that differ among themselves in structure. Vitamin skin care products are incredibly effective. For example, vitamins are able to slow down skin ageing processes without disturbing natural physiological processes that occur in dermis. In order to ensure the maximum absorption, vitamins used in cosmetics are locked in water or oily solutions.

What’s interesting, most vitamins should be used in sets because when combined they complement one another giving you extra and definitely stronger benefits.

Water & fat-soluble vitamins

  • Water soluble vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, H, PP
  • Fat soluble vitamins: A, D, E, F, K

As it’s easy to understand, the former vitamins should be delivered in water-based cosmetics, whereas the latter should constitute oily-based beauty products.

Which vitamins are the most precious in cosmetics?

Actually there are 8 vitamins that beauty industry recognizes as beneficial for skin. Let me tell you now what can you expect each vitamin to give you. This, I hope, will make it easier for you to buy the right skin care product the next time you do shopping.

  • Vitamin A – considered as the vitamin of youth because it’s able to delay skin aging processes. One of the most important constituents of vitamin A is retinol that is responsible for fixing skin, nails and hair. Its shortages weaken skin considerably.
  • Vitamin B1 – this essential nutrient is needed to burn sugars. It helps nervous system to work properly. What’s also important to add, vitamin B1 improves our mental abilities.
  • Vitamin B5 – helps skin remain resilient and supple. It’s found essential for metabolic conversion and influences skin appearance. Just like the vitamin mentioned earlier, B5 is also responsible for maintaining nervous system in a good condition. Last but not least, it locks water inside our bodies.
  • Vitamin B15 – it extends lifespan of skin cells which is especially important when we live in polluted environment. This means that vitamin B15 aids you in fighting against the adverse effects of smog, toxins and smoky rooms.
  • Vitamin PP – genuine skin detox. This vitamin frees organism from toxins, maintains hydration levels and encourages skin exfoliation, which means that it helps skin carry out its self-regenerating processes. Finally, vitamin PP is able to deal with skin inflammations pretty well.
  • Vitamin H – it’s commonly called skin’s best friend because it helps young skin deal with seborrhea and acne. Also, vitamin H contributes to keratin production. Apart from that, when added to cosmetics, vitamin H perfectly copes with fine lines, improves skin contour, reduces enlarged skin pores and lightens up skin discolorations. To sum up, if your skin is fatigued and tired, or if your skin seems to be lifeless and got flabby, you should look for some vitamin H source.
  • Vitamin C – shields skin from the negative impact of free radicals. It has a direct influence on skin appearance and its condition. It brightens skin up and is beneficial for connective tissue.
  • Vitamin E – a strong antioxidant that protects unstable constituents added to cosmetics. Personally I love vitamin E for the effects it produces in hair and skin. It nourishes skin really well, improves skin moisture and resilience and reduces skin sensitivity to UV.

Vitamin micronization: A breakthrough in the beauty industry

Currently, cosmetic producers implement micronized vitamins into their beauty products. What does it mean? In plain English, micronized vitamins are reduced in size. This in turn allows the vitamins to penetrate deeper than they would normally do.

This process mainly concerns the following vitamins: A, C and E. Until now soluble in water, vitamins A and E can be soluble in water. Thanks to micronization process, the power of all the vitamins of youth is now boosted and the effects last longer. Therefore, the next time you find some micronized vitamin in a skincare product, you can be sure that the effects produced by it shall be stunning.

Do you use skincare products that are enriched with vitamins? Are you fond of vitamin serum, vitamin face masks and other similar products? Write a comment if you have your favorite vitamin skincare products.