Hey everyone!

Today I’d like to discuss the topic of flawless skin. I bet you ask yourself a question like this one: “Why does other girls’ complexion have no blemishes but mine is so imperfect?”. We often put the blame on the genes and other factors that we can’t control. Well, I hate to say that but in most cases we are the ones responsible for all the pigmentation spots, blackheads and other imperfections that appear on the skin. Luckily, it’s totally painless and extremely easy to get your skin back on the right track. Perhaps you treat the face with the wrong cosmetics? Are you sure you don’t skip any important stage during your nighttime beauty ritual? Let’s check!

How to take care of the skin?

Here comes some good news: taking good care of skin at home is totally unchallenging. You don’t need an army of cosmetics, which is pretty comforting, isn’t it? All you have to do is devote a short while to yourself and make use of the home remedies for impeccable complexion that you’ll find below. I strongly believe that my pieces of advice will save you up some money because you can do everything on your own.

Replenishing skin with water

Skin dehydration has disastrous consequences. Once the skin lacks water, you can’t expect makeup products to look good on the face. Neither should you be surprised that the imperfections got somehow more visible than they used to be. Fortunately, the moment you start supplying the skin with the water (both from the inside and outside), surely you will notice a significant improvement in the way it looks. Even wrinkles can be reduced in size thanks to water. Once the skin is well-hydrated, skin tone is even, discolorations are reduced and acne is eliminated. Yep, as simple as that.

It was proven that water is essential for skin cells to function properly. Without it, the skin loses its much-desired resilience and suppleness. Sadly, application of facial creams fails to supply the dermis with adequate amounts of water. I guess I should also add that once you keep drinking fresh water on a daily basis, your body will get rid of various toxins that have accumulated throughout some time.

Another issue worth pointing out is that all skin types lose water, even oily skin. When oily skin loses water, it starts secreting more sebum which leads to clogged skin pores, which later is followed by acne. Believe it or not, but once your skin is thirsty, it will tell you about this. And you won’t be happy with the form of communication your skin chooses to draw your attention to this problem.

Define your skin type and treat it accordingly

Look at your skin and think for a while what are its current needs. Do you need to handle seborrhea? Perhaps your skin needs some sun protection? It’s worth realizing that you don’t have to limit yourself to using just one face cream if there are more than one skin concerns to handle.

Moisturizing ingredients in skin care products

If you want to replenish your skin with water, look for the products containing one or a couple of the following ingredients: amino acids, proteins, vitamin B5, hyaluronic acid and moisturizing plant extracts. Vegetable oils and body butters contain omega acids (3, 6 and 9 to be precise) as well as emollients. Even some silicone compounds have a positive effect on our skin.

Types of facial creams

In general, facial creams are divided into a few categories, and this division eases choosing the right cosmetic. Each one of them is responsible for moisturizing skin a little bit differently. As I’ve mentioned this earlier, it’s definitely better not to limit yourself to using just one face cream. Applying a face serum before a cream does make a difference. It’s worth bearing this tip in mind. Adding a few drops of vegetable oil or hyaluronic acid to your favorite cream makes another good idea.

Types of skin care products

Of course, facial creams are the most popular because they contain humectants and emollients combined into one even mass. Skin toners and herbal waters are runny cosmetics, therefore they should be considered as the very first stage of proper skin hydration. Face serum and vegetable oil are thicker than water and can be used either solo or combined with other skin care products. In general, vegetable oils and butters are all-natural products that are just perfect if you want to enrich your beauty routine (no matter the type your skin is).

I think I can’t stress it enough how important it is to keep your skin – and body! – hydrated. Don’t forget to drink plenty of fresh mineral water! Bottoms up! 🙂