Let me invite you to the land of gentleness and naturalness. I know you are big on natural beauty products. Many followers ask me about my top picks. Here you go. See the most useful products in tune with nature and zero-waste movement.

Natural beauty products that you should know and use

Hydrolates/Herbal Waters/ Floral Waters

Do you know what floral water is? This is a thing that will make you ditch your skin toner. A flower water fulfils the same function, meaning balances the pH and makes the epidermis more absorbent so next products you use can work better. Additionally, flower waters powerfully nourish the skin because they get the nutrients from the plants they are made from.

Natural Vegetable Oils

I’m sure most of you know the oils very well. If you don’t, let me tell you briefly about the key facts. Oils are extracted from the seeds, nuts or stones of plants. They are unsuitable for frying. Unrefined, cold-pressed oils are the rich source of omega-3, -6, -9 acids and you can use them for repairing, protecting, hydrating and rejuvenating the skin because they counteract free radicals and oxidative stress. Moreover, oils have an antiaging and strengthening effect thanks to phytosterols, flavonoids and vitamins (A, C, E and some others depending on a type of oil).

Apart from enhancing the skin, oils are hair-care essentials. Are you aware of the number of beauty benefits offered by natural oils? They are endless. Oils are infused into serums and lots of other conditioning products. Surprisingly, you can use them to remove make-up! All you need for OCM is a cloth, castor oil and any other natural oil you like.

Natural Soaps (including shampoo bars)

Natural soaps are making a comeback. It’s combing back to nature. Why do I love them? Because they are in tune with the zero-waste idea. The wrapping used for soaps is usually recycled. There are plenty of bars that come in metal boxes that you can then refill with a new one. Natural soaps for body and hair ensure perfect cleansing and neutralize the effect of patoegenes on the epidermis.

Cosmetic Clay

Cosmetic clay is not like the clay used for making dishes for example. The cosmetic version is powdered and comes in different colors having different effects on skin. You need to mix a chosen clay with water or natural oil to use its full potential. Still, a DIY face mask isn’t the only product you can use clays for. For example, the mildest white clay can be used like a translucent powder or a dry shampoo – it absorbs oil excess. To avoid the white residue on the roots, brush the hair out.