You exercise on a regular basis and you stick to the diet but your stomach still looks the same? Are you struggling with getting rid of extra pounds in certain parts of the body? Sometimes your organism needs a little boost or a kick so that the fat gathered in the cells could finally understand that it’s not welcomed in your body. How to get rid of it? I know a brilliant treatment that really works. The effects are visible right after the first treatment. Learn all about Cryolipolysis Cool Tech, how it works, and why it is the greatest enemy of fat!

Cryolipolysis Cool Tech – what is it?

Cryolipolysis is, simply put, a slap in the face of body fat. To induce it into the inflammation state by freezing it to -8 °C may sound unpleasant but believe me that it hits the fat really hard! The treatment lasts about 60-90 minutes. The most popular area for the use of Cryolipolysis? Stomach, obviously, but many women use it also for thighs, buttocks, shoulders. Thanks to Cryolipolysis it is possible to get rid of body fat that cannot be eliminated with simple exercise and diet and is done without surgery.

Cryolipolysis Cool Tech – how does it look like?

To freeze the stubborn body fat is about using the dysfunction of the fat cells. Important: contrary to the internal organs and the blood cells that are near fat cells, the fat cells are not resistant to low temperatures. Cryolipolysis cleverly uses this fact!

The procedure is used as a three-phase treatment protocol that allows three times faster effects and you achieve your dream appearance sooner. Did you know that the effects of Cryolipolysis are visible after one-month post-treatment?

Additionally, the device used for Cryolipolysis allows even 40% body fat reduction, and the special applicators adjust to the human body which guarantees easier and more convenient applications. Ten step vacuum system is yet another plus because it can be adjusted to the individual skin features.

Cryolipolysis Cool Tech – how to prepare for the treatment?

Yes, you need to prepare a bit for it, my darlings. There is no easy way. It is because the liver and kidneys become weight down with the increased release of body fat. This fat needs to go somewhere before it can be removed from the organism. That is why about a week before the treatment you should stick to a light diet that will be gentle for your liver. Obviously, it is equally important after the treatment – or even more important! That is why you should stick to the diet for about 2-3 weeks post-treatment.

It is not as bad as you may think because you will not be living only by eating germs, you just need to limit the intake of alcohol, sweets, fries, cookies, cake, coffee, coca-cola, etc.

Cryolipolysis – how does the treatment look?

A single treatment lasts about an hour. The skin is being protected during the treatment with a special Zlipo Fleece mat. Then the professional places the applicator against the chosen body part. For me, it was a stomach, obviously. The skin is being sucked into the cooling chamber – the device ‘absorbs’ skin folds along with the body fat. What happens next? The heat is removed from the fat, fat cells die and dissolve and are removed from the organism by the metabolism. REMEMBER that fat removal is not happening in a matter of seconds. Usually, the whole process lasts about a month. That is why holding a diet is necessary.

Cryolipolysis – post-treatment orders

After the Cryolipolysis you should:

  • Give up hot baths, sauna, or tanning salons.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Stick to a light diet.
  • Physical exercise is recommended.
  • The body part that was subjected to freezing should be additionally and methodically moisturized.
  • Remember also that small bruising and redness may appear after the treatment, those do not last long and usually disappear within a few hours or days.

Cryolipolysis – do I recommend it?

I heartily recommend it! For me, one treatment was enough for my stomach to realize that fat is not what it needs. Obviously, my treatment was combined with exercise. It worked, my stomach is flat and I can focus on sculpting it! <3