Peelings are marvelous tools: they remove grime and dead skin cells, and on the top of that they encourage skin to produce new cells! When used regularly, it makes skin smoother and more resilient. Moreover, in the view of the fact that application of body/facial scrub boosts blood flow, it contributes to improving appearance of skin – it looks younger and more beautiful 🙂 Despite having so many benefits, are there any contraindications to using a body/facial scrub? Today, I’ll do my best to explain you how these exfoliators work. Apart from that, I’ll also present you the easiest ways to apply scrubs at home. Let’s start!

How does facial/body scrub work?

As mentioned in the introduction, body/facial scrub helps you get rid of impurities and dead epidermal cells, but this is not its only mission. This beauty product also unclogs skin pores and oily gland outlets which leads to eliminating all signs of congestion from face. On the top of that, when clean, skin is better prepared for absorbing balms and creams. Furthermore, scrub stimulates skin to produce new cells which translates into even skin tone and accelerated skin self-regeneration. Finally, scrub makes a perfect base cosmetic for a self tanning cream because it ensures even shade and helps the tan stay on skin longer. Actually, the same applies to suntan – skin remains brown for longer when you treat the body with a scrub before exposing the skin to the sun.

How to apply a body/facial scrub?

Is applying your body/facial scrub difficult? Nope! Try following three easy steps that I’m going to present you in a second. Treating your skin with these beauty products is really nice.

Step-by-step facial scrub use

  1. Firstly, I wash my face and neck with a gel and water, or just cleanse it using a facial milk.
  2. Then I apply a facial scrub but I omit eye skin and lips. When I use a mechanical peeling, I always give my skin a gentle massage (circular motions) and I make sure that I don’t stretch my skin too much. Actually, this massage lasts a couple of minutes, no longer. When it comes to an enzyme peel, I let it sit on my face for as long as the producer recommends it to. Then I rinse it with water, and it the case of a gommage exfoliator – I use a back-and-forth rubbing motion.
  3. Finally, I wipe my face with a soothing toner and apply a moisturizer.

Step-by-step body scrub use

  1. I apply the scrub to clean and slightly damp skin. If I were to advise you, try to wet particular body parts at a time and then apply the product.
  2. I start with my feet and then using with circular motions I move upwards. I give a vigorous rub to the body parts from hips downwards, but I’m far more gentle with the remaining skin parts.
  3. The entire procedure should last no more than just ten or fifteen minutes. Later I rinse the scrub from my body and apply a balm/cream.

Types of scrubs

What is MECHANICAL PEEL and how does it work?

Mechanical peel, aka grainy scrub, contains abrasive particles that remove dead skin cells. In most cases, these particles are tiny polythene balls or natural origin particles like for example ground nut shells, dried plant roots, seeds, the Dead Sea salt or cane sugar. Such peels are recommended for treating oily face and body.

In the case of dehydrated skin, especially buttocks, knees and elbows, you should reach for sugar and salt scrubs because the particles melt while you’re giving a massage to the skin. First, they exfoliate the skin and then they nourish it. The oils that such products contain effectively moisturize and lubricate the skin too.

If your skin is sensitive then you should be really careful while using mechanical peels; try using only scrub that contains tiny/fine particles. I would advise you against using salt scrubs at home because there is a high risk that they will cause serious irritation. If you aren’t sure which food products (seeds/salt/shells/etc.) would be suitable for your face skin, resign from using them and go for ready-made exfoliators available in drugstores. Of course, look for the mechanical peels designed for sensitive skin.

What is ENZYME PEEL and how does it work?

It contains vegetable and plant enzymes that affect keratin in epidermis – in short, they dissolve and break the cell junctions. Unlike mechanical peels, enzyme peels don’t contain any abrasive particles which is why they don’t cause irritation. And this is the very reason why they are perfect solution for those with sensitive and dry skin. In most cases, enzyme peels are designed to treat face, but you can also come across some body enzyme peels that have to be applied the same way you apply a body balm. Most of them have to be removed after ten or twenty minutes – either with water or milk.

What is GOMMAGE PEEL and how does it work?

In short, gommage peel is a form of enzyme peel: it works alike, yet the use is different. To clarify, if you want to apply gommage peel, you have to distribute a thin layer of it and then remove using your fingers – you have to rub it off with the hands. Since it’s really gentle, it’s found perfect for sensitive and couperose skin. NOTE: in French all peels are called gommage, therefore if you want to make sure whether the product you’re holding in the hands is a regular peel or its gommage version, analyze the directions for use.

What are the contraindications to using scrubs?

I guess I should be precise here, therefore let me put all the contraindications in the bullet points. So, using peels is a bad idea when:

  • you are about to expose your body to the sun (if you have to, apply a SPF).
  • your skin developed rosacea after sunbathing
  •  your face is covered with zits.
  • you have just removed hair from the body (let your skin rest for at least 24 hrs).

What is and how does FRUIT ACID CHEMICAL PEEL work?

Fruit acids used for skin exfoliation include: glycolic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, malic acid and salicylic acid. Safe concentrations of these substances are added to exfoliating creams. The good news is that they can be used no matter the skin type, yet in the case of sensitive skin, you must be careful because fruit acid chemical peels may cause some irritations. It’s proven that this type of peels are really good at clearing dead skin cells away.

What types of skin scrubs do you know? What are your favorite ones? Leave a comment!