You sometimes ask me how come my hair is so thick, strong and glossy. What’s my secret? Careful day-to-day hair care of course! And that’s what I’d like to share in today’s post.

Why does hair need daily care?

Can’t it just be strong, split-proof and frizz-free without our assistance? Maybe it could… in a perfect world. Sadly, the hair is so gentle and exposed to so many destructive factors every day that it can’t be left without our help (despite the fact that a head of hair can hold the weight equal to the weight of two elephants!).

UV radiation, which destroys the keratin structure and causes hair loss, dullness and breakage, is the most powerful. Free radicals and pollutants come second in the ranking featuring top hair enemies. The hormonal imbalance and stress may affect the hair too. Actually, anything that happens in the body and worsens the immune system has the effect on the condition of the strands. Health problems are best seen by looking at the state of the human skin and nails. Heat styling tools, color treating or blow-drying are the elements that spark the hair damage as well.

So, I hope it’s clear why we must constantly take care of the hair. The proper hair care is like a shield saving the strands from all damaging factors.

What does my hair-care routine involve?

Here I focus on my daily actions. Hopefully you will get inspired and never give up because the right hair care isn’t as hard as one might think. Let’s follow my nighttime hair-care routine step by step.

1. First I comb strands out.

Combing the hair must be the first thing we do. Even innocent shampooing may cause damage if you’ve got knots and tangles. A never-failing Tangle Teezer works for my hair well.

2. I wet the hair, apply a hair oil, and wrap a towel around the head.

I start my hair-care routine an hour before shampooing. I rinse the hair with water, squeeze out the excess and get my favorite oils: castor oil on the scalp and almond oil on the lengths; I use products from Nanoil – my favorite hair-care brand. After application I distribute the oils evenly with the Tangle Teezer which is actually best for this purpose. Next, I put on a towel (I like to warm it up with a dryer first because it makes the oil absorption faster).

3. I wash the hair using SLS-free shampoo.

After an hour I wash the oil out. I generally use a mild micellar shampoo free from SLS because I don’t want to cause dryness. Once in 3 or 4 washes I use a regular shampoo to clear the scalp and free it of the product residue, dead cells and oils. Note! If your hair feels greasy after oil treatment, wash it twice or use a conditioner before washing the oil out. Remember also to lather the shampoo before applying it on the hair so you use less product (I lather it up between the palms).

4. I apply the mask and leave it in for fifteen minutes.

After shampooing, I always treat my hair to a mask (just the hair, not the scalp). I sometimes leave it in for longer, up to half an hour. I like the Nanoil masks because they perfectly complement the oil treatment.

5. I wash the mask out and use a hair rinse.

It’s getting easier. I simply wash the mask out. First I use warm water and then reach for acidic rinse (Yves Rocher Raspberry Rinse is my favorite) to smoothen the hair by closing the cuticles. Hair isn’t coarse or frizzy.

6. I apply a lightweight leave-in conditioner.

I often use some spray-on conditioner to keep the hair smooth, shiny and easier to comb. Conditioner is an essential so I don’t like to skip it but I surely prefer the leave-in version.

7. I comb strands out and blow-dry.

Of course I complete my routine by brushing the hair again but this time – note! – I use a wooden wide-tooth comb not to damage delicate wet strands. Next, I let it air dry or blow dry with a cool airflow and a round brush.