
Today I will talk a bit about skincare, but not just any skincare. For years now I struggle with acne that has taken over my beauty routine. It is what I will be talking about today.

Do you have acne and don’t know how to get rid of it? Have you noticed that skincare for acne-prone skin is somewhat of a minefield?

If yes, then this post is for you. I will discuss my trial and error in the elimination of acne, I will focus on the important matters in regard to problematic skincare and will share some helpful (I hope!) clues.

The types of acne. Where did mine come from?

We need to start with the simple fact that there are different types of acne. So, before you start to think of any skincare routine, you need to determine its type. You can have:

  • juvenile acne that occurs due to hormonal changes,
  • cosmetic acne which occurs due to incorrect skincare routine,
  • drug-induced acne that occurs after the use of some medication,
  • common acne which is a result of lack of balance in the skin,
  • occupational acne that occurs due to work that involves coming in contact with certain substances.

I made this mistake that I started to use cosmetics for acne without determining where my imperfection came from. I lost plenty of cash for cosmetics while all I needed to do was change my dietary habits and my skincare routine. In my case, success happened to be quitting greasy and spicy foods but also better skin cleanse.

Usually, you do not even have to go for mattifying products that can cause irritations. It is best to start on the basis, i.e. eliminate factors causing the acne because it ensures 95% effectiveness.

I do not cure acne on my own!

In order to come to this conclusion, I had to reach the moment when I gave up and realized that it is time to ask for professional help. It’s the best decision that I ever made because a good dermatologist is able to best advise you what to do when it comes to acne skin. He will gather information, determine the cause (those can be different for everyone), and will advise you how to take care of the skin and what to pay attention to. Most of all, he can also provide you with a treatment for acne that will help you get rid of it faster.

Acne skincare routine. What is the most important?

It is where I should mention that the skincare routine for acne skin is not the easy one. Did you know that the most common mistake when it comes to acne skin is to dry the imperfections? There is this misconception that if you dry the acne, e.g. with alcohol-based cosmetics, then you will be able to get rid of the problem. The truth is that you will fall a victim of a vicious circle – mattified skin will produce more sebum to frantically fight to retain the hydration level in the skin so it will get oily more and that will make acne changes worse.

Today, I know that the most important thing in an acne skin routine is not the cleansing part (though it matters too), but the hydration. Properly hydrated skin is less susceptible to irritations, is healthier, and simply more beautiful. It is glowing and every skin change that happens to appear heals way faster.

My beauty routine involves:

  • use of serum with retinol to support epidermis exfoliation and stimulate cellular renewal;
  • skin cleansing on regular basis with gel, exfoliator, and often also oils (especially castor oil that holds anti-acne action);
  • two steps skin hydration: first, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, second, use moisturizing cream;
  • use products with local action and anti-inflammatory use for skin changes.

At the beautician. Treatments for acne skin

Obviously, I was not limiting myself to the things I can do at home. Sometimes I go to my friendly beautician who helps me restore my skin with balance when my acne gets worse. The treatments that are usually done are exfoliating and moisturizing masks which action if intensified with an LED lamp. If I need to stimulate my skin to regenerate, I go for heavier guns such as microneedling but also AHA acids. The choice of treatments for acne skin is immense so it is worth looking for help with a professional.