How are you today? I hope you’re perfectly fine!

It can’t be denied, autumn is coming and the days are getting colder. This period of the year happens to be pretty harsh on the face skin. Suddenly it becomes exposed to the strong wind and low temperatures. The heavier concentration of smog and urban pollution isn’t a good thing either.

It often happens that during autumn even the sun takes its toll and makes the tanned skin more fussy. Dermis secretes too much oils, flakes and develops pigmentation spots. There is only one solution. Well, I believe there are more things that can be done to improve the troubled skin in the autumn, but the one I’m going to present you with is THE BEST – its name is vegetable oil. Today I’ll tell you what makes vegetable oils beneficial to the skin, how to use them the right way and which ones give the most satisfying results.

How come vegetable oils are useful?

To me, they work like a kind of magic elixir for skin. Vegetable oils know how to make the skin perfectly moisturized, youthful-looking, smooth and firm. These all-natural extracts leave the skin impeccable with no blemish or irritations. On top of that, you can use vegetable oils to improve the appearance of the hair too! Vegetable oils smooth the hair out, improve its manageability, repair and prevent frizz.

Vegetable oils and their role in skincare

I believe it’ll be much clearer if I use a list to enumerate all the benefits of vegetable oils in skincare. So, vegetable oils

  • create a protective coating to prevent skin dehydration.
  • shield the skin from the harmful UV rays.
  • keep the hydration levels in skin high.
  • soften the skin.
  • ensue the feel of smooth skin.
  • delay skin ageing.
  • soothe irritations and eliminate skin imperfections.
  • even out skin tone.
  • makes skin look healthy, radiant and luscious.

Why are we afraid of oils?

The term “good fats” isn’t convincing, right? The very word “fat” just ruins everything. Fat is bad, right? That’s it. Can it be any different?

It appears that the “good fat” is omega acid, which is the essential unsaturated fatty acid. This is exactly what you supply the skin with when you make use of the vegetable oils. The good omega 3, 6, 7 and 9 acids offer the finest skin treatment you can imagine – no matter if it’s oily, combination, dry or even sensitive! There is a set of vegetable oils that suits a particular skin type best, so they can be used freely on a daily basis. Just make sure which oil suits your skin best and go ahead! I bet now you’re wondering how to pick a vegetable oil.

How to choose a vegetable oil?

First things first! You have to realize that a vegetable oil used for beauty purposes can’t be just any oil available in a supermarket. Buy a genuine, unrefined and cold-pressed beauty oil. It would be even better if you managed to get CERTIFIED oil because it:

  • contains all the precious omega acids that regular vegetable oil may be deprived of.
  • brims with vitamins.
  • has all the precious plant sterols, flavonoids and an array of unique substances that are typical of a particular oil: squalane, ricinoleic acid, carotenoids, butyrospermol, etc. These substances are nothing but godsend for the skin and hair.

A few ways to apply a vegetable oil:

  • OCM, which depends on cleansing the skin with oils. This is one of my top uses of vegetable oils. It’s nothing else but makeup removal done with an oil, not a commercial product. Apply a vegetable oil to the face and start massaging (actually skin massage is just wonderful, but I think you know it already). Then take a damp towel and remove the grime. Repeat the procedure until you reveal perfectly clean skin. If you keep doing this regularly, you will soon notice your face turning smooth, clean and nourished.
  • Combine the oils with clay masks. Just grab a vegetable oil and mix it with white clay. Sometimes I add a few drops of fresh water or chamomile infusion to enrich the mask. The effects are far better than what a regular facial mask is able to give you.
  • You can also use a vegetable oil (or a blend) as a replacement for the store-bought face serums. I’d suggest using it at bedtime. In case of the extremely dehydrated skin, you can try using the oils in the morning and following them with a cream and makeup. If you want to help the skin absorb and transport the oils deeper, apply it to damp skin (try a floral water).

Let me know if I succeed in talking you into giving vegetable oils a try. Are you willing to introduce vegetable oils to your daily beauty routine? Perhaps you already did.
