Hey darlings, you probably wonder when I finally answer all those hundreds of questions about hair oil treatment. It’s today! Yes, this is the day when you finally learn how to best perform hair oil treatment. You often write to me that oils make your hair greasy and that you don’t know whether the fault is in your lack of skill when it comes to hair oil treatment or was it about the oil. Today I’ll explain it all and tell you how to perform oil treatment wisely 😉 Enjoy!

Oils for hair oil treatment – why some work and some don’t

It turns out that many oils simply do not work for your hair – it’s true they can make your hair heavy or frizzy and it’s because they have particles of different sizes. Oils can either be made of the large, medium, or small particles to put it simply. They have different types of fatty acids so their action on hair is also of a different type. In order to learn about which oils match your hair, you should learn what type of porosity it has. The porosity test is available on the Internet. Do it and you will know whether your hair has:

  • low porosity (thick, heavy)
  • medium porosity (quite normal, but weak, frizzy, matte, thin)
  • high porosity (dry, damaged, and brittle)

There are plenty of tests for porosity that you can find, Google search will definitely come handy and guides to the right websites. I did mine on the Nanoil website because I consider them specialists on the matter <3

Once you already know your hair porosity you can choose the right oil. I have medium porosity hair and it’s the most common porosity type so I can use jojoba oil and my beloved argan oil. Coconut oil makes my hair frizzy while evening primrose oil makes my hair too heavy and that is why the porosity is important when choosing the oil. However, if in spite of the use of right oil your hair still doesn’t look like you pictured it, it is heavy and flat, it means that you use the wrong oil treatment method. Time to change it 🙂 Try the method I use for a long time now and my hair simply loves it!

The best hair oil treatment in 5 simple steps

  1. Wash your hair, towel dry, and comb it.
  2. Apply the oil to still damp strands – use A SMALL AMOUNT OF OIL to cover the hair and scalp – that is about a tablespoon.
  3. Keep the oil on hair for around 15 to 30 minutes top.
  4. Before washing down the oil, apply some hair mask or conditioner on top of it – the result will be that after you wash the hair there will be no greasiness. It’s called EMULSIFYING THE OIL.
  5. Wash everything down, wash your hair with shampoo, dry it, and enjoy beautiful, light, healthy, and glossy hair!
    Voila! That’s it, simple, isn’t it?

Thanks to emulsifying the oil, my hair is never heavy and even without it my hair would be light because I use a really small amount of oil. I use it mostly at the roots and rub in the scalp and then use a wide-tooth comb to comb the hair – this way oil coats the hair evenly. Try it and let me know does hair oil treatment works for you because for me it’s the best!