Hey Girls,

For years I’ve been busying myself with makeup – you know that – so it’s pretty natural for me to pay attention to how people wear their color cosmetics. Sadly, I often notice that my friends and colleges keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Since the mistakes aren’t always apparent, we keep blaming the cosmetics for creating this mess on our faces. Well, I hate to say it but in most cases this is your fault. 

Obviously, I now that there are some better and worse beauty products but, before you throw them out, it’s better to examine the issue and try to find the core of a particular beauty problem because there is a huge possibility that the product you think you should get rid of, is good for you. Okay, to sum up, before cursing a color cosmetic loudly, check whether you apply it correctly.

1. Foundation makes my skin pores bigger

Yep, it happens pretty often when we buy a high-coverage and thick foundation. When you start patting or stamping it into your face, these nasty little holes start appearing in the middle of your face – your skin pores start opening and getting wider. To be honest with you, I used to have the same problem and I didn’t have the slightest idea about the cause of it – every other foundation is bad or spoiled? No, it can’t be like that. Later I found out that it’s not the foundation but the application technique isn’t the best one. How to apply a high-coverage foundation? Simply, you have to apply two layers. The first later should be spread on your face as you would do it with a face cream – obviously use a really thin layer. This is how the foundation will get into the skin pores and even out your skin. Actually, you can achieve the same effect through using a satin makeup base.

2. Loose power loses its properties and spoils your makeup 

Well, this happens pretty often that powder stains your face instead of giving you this nice and even finish. Let me put it straight, when you apply a powder to your face (no matter if loose or pressed), check whether you don’t collect too little of the product on the brush. Why does it matter? When you see that the bristle isn’t covered with the powder evenly, the clean bristle parts “peck at” the foundation that you’ve just applied to your face. Also, the powder gives you smudges because the bristle isn’t evenly covered with the powder.

The solution is banal, just pick up more powder on your brush and always check if the bristle is evenly covered with the product. Obviously, don’t overdo with it. I don’t mean that you have to collect three times more powder than you need. Just try to do it wisely. To sum up, powder keeps your makeup at bay and extends the wear of all the color cosmetics you apply to face so I guess, mastering the art of correct powder application will do you good.

3. Comedogenic foundation

We often blame foundations for causing blackheads. I know that there are some low quality foundations that actually can give you blackheads but this isn’t a rule. It appears that the main cause of blackheads are… us! Because we don’t pay enough attention and time to cleanse the skin thoroughly. I’m serious, most of us don’t know how to wash the face correctly. Just look. Some girls don’t wash down micellar lotion. So what? Well, the micelles that remain on your face keep attracting dirt for the entire day. Therefore, you just must follow with a face tonic to wipe your face with it after makeup removal and face cleansing. Don’t be afraid of face mousses, washing gels and other products that free your skin from impurities. And always use a face tonic!

4. Baked products get hard and resemble a stone

Again, it doesn’t have to be the product’s fault for creating a hard layer that impedes application. In most cases, we do this to our baked color cosmetics when we dab it with a dirty brush – when the bristle is stained with sebum and oily foundation. The more often you do this face-product-face-product motion, the more grease and moisture reaches the cosmetic. And this is how after a few weeks your baked color cosmetic creates a hard coat on its surface and makes it impossible for you to collect it with a brush. Luckily, you can get rid of it easily. Try to scrape off this crust.

Tell me, do you commit any of the above-mentioned sins? Perhaps you know some other mistakes that shouldn’t be made to our faces and color cosmetics?