Hey everyone,

Spots, moles as well as marks caused by acne and other imperfections are the nightmare of many women. Of course, neither are all home beauty treatments able to help us remove such blemishes completely nor does makeup cover up them fully. Therefore, when the blemishes happen to be persistent, we’re left with professional beauty treatments, special home remedies, prophylaxis and exposing skin to the right type of care. How to remove skin blemishes?

Removal of blemishes: Prophylaxis

There are some measures that can shield you against discolorations. One of them is application UV filters that stop sunlight from penetrating your skin. In this way, not only do the sunscreens prevent discolorations from developing but also the already existing marks don’t intensify their color. The only thing that you have to bear in mind though is to match the right SPF to your skin type.

Furthermore, if you want to prevent discolorations or stop them from becoming more visible, it’s better to eliminate the factors that cause

  • stress and tension,
  • skin dehydration (e.g. strong cleaning agents),
  • shortages of nutrients (e.g. unbalanced diet),
  • acne.

Yet, these aren’t the only factors that encourage blemishes to appear on your skin. Let me enumerate you a few more reasons that may encourage skin imperfections, and they are:

  • exposing your body to the sun after applying perfumes (e.g. tanning);
  • taking contraception pills;
  • taking photosensitive herbs;
  • having rosacea and couperose skin;
  • rapid temperature fluctuations;
  • dry and hot air.

Ways of removing skin blemishes

1. Home methods to remove blemishes

If you think that you’ve already tried all possible home remedies to get rid of skin imperfections and if all of them failed you, then I guess I’m not even surprised. Putting a slice of lemon on the blemishes, treating them with sugar peel and cucumber toner don’t work at all. Such substances aren’t powerful enough as it’s typical of preparations available at a dermatologist’s or the ones bought in a pharmacy. Home remedies to erase skin discolorations are just waste of your valuable time.

2. Beauty products to remove skin blemishes

In this case, I’d recommend you using preparations containing particular substances. You should be satisfied with how the following ingredients work: soybean, niacinamide, licorice extract, arbutin, retinoids and glycolic, azelaic and kojic acids. Look for them in ointments, gels and creams that you want to apply to your skin.

3. Professional beauty treatments to remove blemishes

To me, the most effective professional beauty treatments that help you erase skin blemishes are

  • cosmelan – which is a sugar scrub that doesn’t have any exfoliating properties, yet it changes dark pigmentation marks into definitely lighter ones;
  • TCA peel – it causes a really strong exfoliating reaction of the skin and is fairly painful. It’s recognized as one of the strongest acids used for beauty purposes;
  • medicinal peels – to make it simpler, I’d describe this method as a combination of TCA peel and cosmelan. You can expect to achieve satisfied effects only when the pigment is located in the epidermal layer of skin;
  • laser treatments – and this is the most effective way of removing skin discolorations. Laser treatment affects most kinds of blemishes.

I’ve got the blemishes removed. What’s next?

Well, erasing skin blemishes is still the beginning of the fight for flawless skin. Now, you should make use of all the pieces of advice I gave you above, which is prophylaxis. Additionally, it’s a good idea to give yourself to the following beauty treatments: microneedle mesotherapy, radio frequency (RF) microneedling or platelet-rich plasma therapy.

I hope I managed to shed some light onto this skin-related issue. If something remains unclear, please leave me a comment below so I can explain it better.